
Public Health

For info on riding during the current coronavirus public health crisis, see our public health page.


Portland’s Vision Zero Policy is an everybody involved effort to make Portland streets safe by recognizing we can have zero fatalities and zero injuries based on these principles:

  • human life is valued first, mobility is second
  • all road users share without vehicular prejudice
  • roads systems minimize human fallibility
  • willness to change from old paradigms

PBOT Overview PBOT Details Report by Healthy Streets

Traffic Safety Organizations

Oregon Walks is dedicated to promoting walking and improving the safety and attractiveness of walking in the greater Portland area.

The Street Trust works to promote bicycle use and improve conditions for cyclists throughout Oregon.

Oregon ACTS works to improve traffic safety by providing resources, technical training, and education.

Oregon Traffic Safety Education Association OTSEA works for safer driving through education.

Traffic Safety local Portland working group This email list working group is for discussing ways to promote safer driving, overcoming the common conception that crashes are ‘accidents’ and ‘just happen sometimes’ and organizing fun education / awareness actions.

Victoria Transport Policy Institute An excellent collection of research papers on transportation issues

Tips for the Cyclists

Oregon Bicyclist Manual Another great resource by ODOT.

Traffic safety and maintenance contacts for safety issues such as potholes, debris, dangerous construction, etc.

Legal resources for cyclists What you can do if you are hit, harassed, or witness a dangerous driver.


ODOT Cyclist / Pedestrian statutes summary where you can find a document that puts the statutes related to cyclists and pedestrians in one place as well as recent updates to Oregon law.

Statutes for Oregon Use an Internet search engine rather than the one on this site to find specific statutes, since the ‘search’ feature apparently doesn’t function.

Tips for the Motorists

Save Motoring Money with Ten helpful tips Excerpt from, 10 Ways to Beat High Gas Prices by Marc Lallanilla

1. Stay in Tune — It’s simple: vehicle maintenance saves gas. Use the recommended motor oil, replace dirty air filters, keep tires — including the spare — inflated to the proper pressure, and tune up your engine.

2. Cool It, Mario Andretti — Flooring the pedal at every green light, then slamming on the brakes at the last minute, guzzles gas at a surprising rate. More moderate driving can save over 30 percent of the gasoline you use.

3. Lighten Up — When summer vacation rolls around, keep the luggage off the roof rack and carry as little weight as possible. Those extra pounds in the trunk or backseat make the engine work harder and consume more fuel.

4. Take a HikeDo you really need to drive? For shorter trips, it often makes more sense to walk or ride a bicycle. It’s not only good for your wallet, it might also be good for your waistline.

5. Idle Hands — Idling in traffic does nothing to save gas or money, not to mention your stress level. Avoid rush hour or busy commuter routes.

6. Go Shopping — Shopping for a new vehicle? Consider the long-term savings that a hybrid or alternative fuel vehicle might give you. Some cities and states also offer great incentives like rebates, access to carpool lanes and free metered parking for hybrid or alternative fuel cars, trucks and SUVs.

7. Lose the Leadfoot — Driving the speed limit doesn’t just keep the police off your tail. You can save up to 14 percent on longer trips by reducing your speed.

8. Take a Cruise — Using cruise control can yield surprising increases in fuel economy. If your car is so equipped, try using it on the freeway to keep your speed at a consistent rate.

9. Critical Mass — Take the bus, train, subway or other mass transit and leave the car at home.

10. Alternative States — The alternatives to standard gasoline are growing in number and popularity. Biodiesel, the blend of gasoline and ethanol known as E85, and other alternative fuels aren’t available everywhere yet, but check to see if your car can accept what’s sold in your community.

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