
Shift spinoff projects

  • Move by Bike is a group of folks interested in helping folks move across town entirely by bicycle. Facebook
  • Breakfast on the Bridges serves breakfast to Portland bike commuters around once a month on several bridges near downtown. Facebook
  • PDX World Naked Bike Ride is still loosely affiliated with shift but spun off into its own organization. Leading one of the largest rides in the state year after year!
  • The Multnomah County Bike Fair is a recurring fair that happens almost every year during Pedalpalooza.
  • Pedalpalooza is an annual summer festival with hundreds of volunteer-organized free bike events.
  • Velopalooza is a summer bike fun festival in Vancouver, BC, Canada similar to Pedalpalooza.
  • Portland Urban Bike runs an weekly ride (Thursday Night Ride) since 2015!
  • Corvidae Bicycle Club is an inclusive fun crew that leads a monthly 2nd Sunday social ride from Peninsula Park at 2pm
  • BikePOC PNW actively creates space for BIPOC folks to ride bikes, build community, forge life-long friendships, and challenge the status quo. Instagram
  • Puddlecycle is a group that focuses on winter bike fun events in Portland. Their website talks more about their mission and how to participate.
  • Portland Autonomous Zone is a local DIY/tinkering community with a focus on bikes and is a frequent booster of and participant in shift events.

Nonprofits and Government groups



