Bike for Justice


Please read our Public health page for info on riding safely during this public health crisis.

Biking for justice

Even under the current health conditions we recognize that folks are gathering to demand justice. We believe that bikes are a tool for social change and can liberate and support our communities.

The Shift calendar is one way for the community to organize and publicize bike support in the demand for justice. Bikes can help fill a critical role in supporting events, from delivering supplies to leading groups to boosting morale! If you have a way that bikes can help, post an event and get the word out. The Shift email list is also another resource to connect with bike-y folks and share info.

Take a moment

Look at what privileges you have, and consider how to use them to better the community. Offer your time, money, or resources where you can. We all come from a different place and have something to bring.

Follow the lead of the communities you want to support. To support Black Lives Matter, listen to, believe, and amplify Black voices!

Staying safe

Follow public health recommendations. We strongly encourage everyone to wear masks, maintain physical distancing, and sanitize frequently. Your community needs you to stay safe and stay healthy!