2004 Pedalpalooza calendar

Pedalpalooza! June 10–26, 2004

Pedalpalooza is a festival of bikey fun. Hundreds of different events are organized by people like you. Most rides are free and all are open to the public to join.

Stay safe, stay healthy! Shift strongly encourages everyone on a ride to wear a mask and maintain six feet of social distance whenever possible.

Please read our Public Health page for more guidelines and ride recommendations.


Pedalpalooza | June 10-26, 2004 | Portland, OR
Presented byShift Portland Mercury

With major sponsorship from City of Portland Office of Transportation and New Belgium

Family Friendly Events The fun bike flags events that are appropriate for the entire family. You may also want to contact the event organizers to find out if an event is right for your family.

As a security measure against e-mail spammers, to contact event organizers via e-mail you will need to retype the e-mail addresses listed below..

Calendar of Events

Thursday 10

6:00-8 pm Kick-off Parade

Eco Trust Building Farmers’ Market, 721 NW 9th Parade leaves at 6:30. Dress up your bike and yourself and join the parade to kick off Pedalpalooza.

Steph [at] riseup.net

Friday 11

7-9 am Breakfast on the Bridges
Hawthorne Bridge, West end of North side -or- Broadway Bridge, in the middle Ride the bridge, eat a nosh, have a cawfee. No big whoop timolandia [at] ShiftToBikes.org

10:30 am Lent Summer Bike Ride & Ice Cream Party

Lent Elementary, 5105 Southeast 97th Avenue Starting from the Lent Elementary School, students, families and community members will take a bike ride led by Tom Ralley. Following the bike ride, the group will meet at the school for an Ice Cream Party. Bike safety games & prizes.

Yeng Cha 503-577-2273

6-9 pm Peninsula Park Pedal Picnic
Penninsula Park (Ainsworth and Albina) festive potluck picnic for all ages! featuring FAMILY BIKING DEMO with KIDS HELMET GIVEAWAY, games, prizes, surprises and FUN for the WHOLE FAMILY. Great ideas for getting around by bike with kids! Come and try out TRAILERS, TANDEMS, TAG-ALONGS, FRONT and BACK SEATS and more. Have a solution that works for you? Bring it along to share your idea!

The city of Portland will be present to give kids’ helmets for FREE! Clowns, unicycles and free bike inspections.

Dan Miller 503-816-6491 dan [at] travelingdan.com

11 pm Midnight Mystery Ride Bar of the Gods, SE 48th + Hawthorne - see Midnight Mystery Ride Website for details. cyclist [at] reed.edu

Saturday 12

9 am Women’s Bike Ride
Bike Gallery, 5329 NE Sandy. This is a weekly 20-30 mile ride, no one left behind.

10 am Spinstirs Polo: Build and Bust Out
826 NE Roselawn A workshop on how to convert your very own polo bike for women, trans and girls, taught by women, trans and girls. The workshop is to be followed by polo games on the newly converted bikes. Contact Tori - graciewaters [at] yahoo.com

Family-friendly 12 noon Lazy Coffee
Salmon Street Fountain (Salmon and Front Ave/Naito Parkway) Pass out coffee and pastries to unsuspecting bicyclists along the waterfront.

timolandia [at] ShiftToBikes.org

2-5 pm Confidence Building Workshop for Women Bike Riders

Citybikes Garden Parking Lot, SE 8th @ Ankeny Experienced cyclists, Sara Stout, Aimee Marciniak and Harriet Hargrave share tips and resources for commuting, touring, basic bike maintenance, load carrying, taking advantage of your gears, riding with kids and dogs, making your bicycle comfortable, riding in traffic, planning safe routes, avoiding bike theft and other important stuff. Workshop content will be tailored to needs of participants. sarastout [at] endsound.com

5:30-7:30 pm SS Pussycat

Col. Sumners Park (SE 20th and Belmont) Calling all ladies on bikes!!! Come out to this fabulous all-ladies alleycat race. It’s all about fun. If you have a cruiser, a fixed gear or rollerskates, join us for creativity and good times. Practice your cheerleading moves and get ready to flaunt it if ya got it…(prize for best dressed). Kerry - ehnoheee [at] yahoo.com, 503-516-2797

9 pm-LATE Dance Party
420 SE 6th Get down, get funky, get loose. Proceeds benefit City Repair Project, the fiscal sponsor of Shift. $6-10 sliding scale, funky dance beat by Rafa, Tomk & Alden

Eric Steindler - eric [at] 4-homes.com

11:30 pm World Naked Ride
Dance Party

Naked Bike Rides will be occuring on this magical day in cities around the world; please come protest oil dependence and celebrate the power and individuality of our bodies. Departing from the dance party, for a ride to show our buff around the friendly streets of the east side; ride as bare as you dare. Clothing check (not secure) and body paint available at dance party. pollock [at] thayer.dartmouth.edu

Sunday 13

Family-friendly10 am Trailer Kids Park Tour

hitch up the trailer and grab the kids, we’re going to the park by bike! Ride leaves Wilshire Park (NE 35th and Skidmore, at the sandbox) at 11:00 sharp. We will travel to a few parks, the ride ending when our interest fades. Bring a picnic, we’ll stop at any ice cream shops we happen to pass. We will want to cover some ground, so only tag-along bikes, tandems, and trailers. -

patrick [at] portlandrainbarrels.com

Family-friendly10 am Heritage Trees Ride
N. Prescott Max Station Enjoy a tour of majestic trees in NE Portland. This leisurely tour will take about 2 hours and has us visiting trees in the Interstate and Overlook areas. Learn about your botanical heritage in heart of the city! mlemily [at] hotmail.com

10:00 am Zoobomb Century
Top level of the Zoo Max station Ride 100 vertical miles by bombing all day. Arrive as early as you need to in order to reach 100 miles. - see www.Zoobomb.org for more info.

12 noon-2 pm Radical History Tour

North Park Blocks An abbreviated version of the usually 4-hour bike ride throughout Portland that stops at various spots of radical historical significance. This 2-hour version includes North West and South West Portland and includes topics such as the Japanese Internment during World War Two, the Industrial Workers of the World, abortionist Ruth Barnett, and the 1934 Longshoremen’s strike. Ride will leave promptly at 12, please arrive early. 2-hour event but lots of stopping, a very leisurely ride. - fernfarm [at] hotmail.com

12 noon-dusk Bike Recycling Workshop

Citybikes Garden Parking Lot, SE 8th @ Ankeny Hands-on workshop to transform broken bicycles into useful items. Welding equipment and a big pile of recyclable bike parts will be on hand for building furniture, bike-carts, kinetic sculpture, gazebos and anything else you can dream up. Bring plans for things you’d like to make or come assist others with projects. Leather gloves and durable work clothes recommended. - sarastout [at] endsound.com

9 pm approx. Laurelhurst Theater Movie Night for Bikers

Laurelhurst Theater, 28th and East Burnside Special screening of the classic bike movie “Breaking Away”. $1 entry for cyclists!!! - 503222.5511 or www.LaurelhurstTheater.com for exact time

9 pm Evening Zoobomb
Roccos Pizza, 949 SW Oak

Monday 14

Family-friendly 3:30 pm Flag Day Ceremony and Celebrate Freedom Cook Out

The Bandstand on Vancouver Barracks Parade Ground, Vancouver National Historic Reserve, Evergreen, Vancouver WA

free food and Krispy Kreme donuts for children. Located next to park trails to ride and walk on. - Deborah Walstra, Program Coordinator for Vancouver National Historic Reserve Trust, can help you get there if you need directions or if you have questions (360) 992-1801.

*** NEW TIME *** 4:30-6:30 pm Mocktails on the Bridge

East side of the Hawthorne Bridge

Just like Breakfast on the Bridge, only later, and fancier! - amy [at] storkmarketing.com

Tuesday 15

Family-friendly 5:30 pm Bike to Rollerskate
Rose Quarter Fountain Ride the esplanade to Oaks Park for rollerskating. First people to arrive will be admitted for free. Free car parking in the Cucina Cucina parking lot. - ytamer [at] aol.com

6-8:30 pm NoPoBikeworks Volunteer Night
3951 N Mississippi Ave. - Learn bike repair skills; earn hours for working on your own bike More info: 503-287-1098

6 pm Bikestation Portland: a Bike Parking Concept
Lucky Lab, 915 SE Hawthorne View a video of Bikestations across the US. Discuss the applicability of the concept for Portland-Vancouver. See more about Bikestations on the Bikestation website. Please RSVP to Todd Boulanger, 360-281-0944.

7-10 pm Hash Ride
Alberta Park (NE 20th and Killingsworth) west tennis courts A fun even-paced, group-themed ride to chase a hare, following only its clues. Leading biker plays “hare” marking the trail, pack chases as the “hounds”. Watch out - the clues are a challenge to find, and the route goes where you don’t expect! - Jim Meyer 503-234-5521

Wednesday 16

6-8:30 p.m. Women’s Bike Repair Night
North Portland Bike Works, 3951 N Mississippi Ave. Free workshop open to all women; volunteers provide bike repair help. - 503-287-1098

7-9:30 pm Bike Art Night
Community Cycling Center, 1700 NE Alberta Street Help create chimes and candleholders as a benefit for the CCC. Created items will later be sold as a fundraiser for the CCC.

New to the CCC? Attend Volunteer Orientation 7-8 pm - Katherine [at] CommunityCyclingCenter.org or Community Cycling Center Website.

Family-friendly 7 pm HOB (High Occupancy Bike) Knob
Jamison Square (NW 11th & Kearney) Bring your tandems, triples, trailers, and cargo bikes to the HOB Knob. A leisurely social ride and sight-seeing tour of interesting, out-of-the-way locations in Portland’s west-side. - allan.folz [at] windriver.com

Thursday 17

Family-friendly5:00-6:30 pm Mocktails Off the I5 Bridge

North end of path just off of bridge (Columbia side) serving food, beverages, and brochures/maps to bicyclists

  • Todd Boulanger, City of Vancouver, todd.boulanger@ci.vancouver.wa.us, 360.696.8290 x8657…VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

6:30 pm 2004 Vancouver Bicycle Club Time Trial Series
Starts at the Port of Vancouver office, 3103 NW Lower River Road, Vancouver WA Every Thursday (May - 9 September). (6:15 PM sign-in). A flat 10-mile course (Also a flat 40K course). It is a 45 minute ride from Kenton/ North Portland through downtown Vancouver and out past the dairy farms and wildlife refuge near the Vancouver Lake. Helmets are required. Open to all! $1.00 entry fee VBC members are FREE! http://www.vancouverbicycleclub.com/note.html - Mike Lusby, at 750-4875 or email at vbctt [at] netzero.net

8 pm Super Hero & Villain Ride

The Slammer 500 SE 8th Come to enjoy an evening ride dressed as your favorite super hero or villain. Carefully fly low above the tarmac for a short but adventurous ride in p-town.

  • Dan_mudpuddle [at] yahoo.com

Friday 18

Family-friendly 6-10 am Breakfast Off the 205 Bridge

North end of the path just off of the bridge serving donuts, bagels, fruit, coffee and advice - brochures/maps to bicyclists - Ahmad Qayoumi, City of Vancouver 360.696.8290 x8479

Family-friendly 7-9 am Breakfast on the Bridges
Hawthorne Bridge, West end of North side -or- Broadway Bridge, in the middle Ride the bridge, eat a nosh, have a cawfee. No big whoop - timolandia [at] ShiftToBikes.org

Family-friendly 8 pm Pedal-Powered Bike-In Movie
Hawthorne Hostel, SE Hawthorne and 30th Join us for a fun night of entertainers, prizes, food and movies. ENTER TO WIN a Breezer I3 folding bike donated by Veloce Bicycles at SE 32nd & Hawthorne! Free food provided byHot Lips Pizza and Noodlin’ ! Movies generated by pedal power will be screened outside, after performances by Portland Bicycle Ensemble and Aaron Wheeler-Kay. A silent film short kicks off the films, followed by the audience choice of “Triplets of Belleville” or “Kiki’s Delivery Service”. Wear a French beret or cycling cap to support Triplets, a witch’s hat or cape to support Kiki’s. Out of respect for Hawthorne Hostel, this event is alcohol free but attend and find out about the after-party/parties. CaptainPlanet [at] hevanet.com

Saturday 19

9 am Doughnut Ride

Meet at Col. Sumners Park, 20th and Belmont who doesn’t love doughnuts?

  • brian [at] janrain.com

9 am Women’s Bike Ride
Bike Gallery, 5329 NE Sandy. - This is a weekly 20-30 mile ride, no one left behind.

Family-friendly 9 am Willamette Week Scavenger Hunt

River City Bicycles 706 SE MLK Scavenger hunt by bike! Shorter family ride too. Prizes galore. Proceeds benefit local organizations. see: W|W Website for details.

9:00 am - 1:00 pm Cycle the Wellfield
Join the Columbia Slough Watershed Council and the Bureau of Water Works for a FREE 10 mile bicycle ride through the Groundwater Protection Area. Visit drinking water production wells, monitoring wells, remediation sites and learn about our new groundwater protection program as you wheel your way around the wellfield. Bring your bike, helmet, water, snacks and dress for the weather. Advance registration required. Call Scott Bradway, Columbia Slough Watershed Council, at 503-281-1132 or scott.bradway [at] columbiaslough.org for more information.

11 am - 6 pm Kinetic Bike-Mobile Art Party!
Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy Street

Come celebrate Shifty Bird’s one year birthday! Time to rejuvenate the old bird, hatch fledglings and construct new kinetic floats for last Thursday Art Outing. Chicken-wire, pvc pipe, paper-mache materials, ribbons, fabric and other nifty bits will be on hand. Bring other wind-catching recyclables for additional building materials. - sarastout [at] endsound.com

11 am-1 pm Bridge Curious?

Meet at Vancouver Farmers Market discover how to bike across the Interstate Bridge to the MAX and ride the MAX with a bike. Bicycle to Expo Center MAX then train to Esplanade trail for ride in Portland (helmets required, maximum 20 participants, please RSVP) ,

Todd Boulanger, City of Vancouver,todd.boulanger [at] ci.vancouver.wa.us, 360.696.8290 x8657

Family-friendly 12 noon-1 pm Trike and Wagon Race

NE 14th between Beech and Fremont behind Wild Oats A completely kid-friendly and family-oriented race held in conjunction with the Sabin Summer Celebration. Open to ages 2-5. Ribbons for winners and safety prizes and more.

Angela Roth, 503-282-1783, PeanutButterEllies [at] Earthlink.net

Family-friendly 3-6 pm Massive Happening
What would it look like if there were ten times as many people on bikes in Portland, running errands and getting around town by bike? Let’s find out today! Massive Happening is a convergence of cyclists riding over the bridges and around town in a core area. Stop by CityBikes (on SE Ankeny at 8th and 20th), pick up streamers to adorn your bike and identify yourself as a Happening participant. What happens along the way is up to fate. Run errands or ride for fun. Boundaries: East 20th to West 10th, Hawthorne to Steel. END: Col. Sumners Park at 6:00. Bethany 503-481-7584

Sunday 20

6:43 am SHARP Willamette River Bomb

Meet at Irvington Park (NE 7th & Fremont) Bring your big bike with the tall gears for the fastest bomb in Portland. Breakfast and libations to follow. Hosted by the Westside Cougars

Family-friendly 10 am Trailer Kids Park Tour

Wilshire Park (NE 35th and Skidmore, at the sandbox) hitch up the trailer and grab the kids, we’re going to the park by bike! We will travel to a few parks, the ride ending when our interest fades. Bring a picnic, we’ll stop at any ice cream shops we happen to pass. we will want to cover some ground, so only tag-along bikes, tandems, and trailers. Ride leaves for next park at 11:00 am. -

patrick [at] portlandrainbarrels.com

2-5 pm Bicycle Figure Drawing/Painting Workshop

Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy Open studio for drawing bikes and human figures. Paper and charcoal will be provided. Bring extra paper, marking tools, paint, easels and any other supplies you’d like to use. sarastout [at] endsound.com

4 pm My Day Job - bike art night

Alberta Park, Picnic Tables This arts collective focuses on bike-related art they sell at Last Thursday on Alberta Street. Join us for a night of creating and together everyone will set up shop at Last Thursday. Bring wine, beer, food, and drink to share and all the supplies you need for crafting. Supplies not provided. We’ll be outside. Creators are respectfully asked to thoroughly clean up after themselves. Bike parking on front porch. ayleen [at] riseup.net or 971221.7228

9 pm Evening Zoobomb
Roccos Pizza, 949 SW Oak Ride the MAX to the Zoo and zoom down the kill. Bikes of all styles and sizes welcome See Zoobomb web site


8:30 am Bikestation Seattle Visit by Train & Bike

Meet at Portland Amtrak Station

Visit the best urban bike parking facility in the US, and learn how to bring your bike on the Amtrak Cascades train. www.bikestation.org. Please RSVP to ride leader. Todd Boulanger [Bikestation Board Member] 360.281.0944

6 pm Mocktails on the Bridge

East side of the Hawthorne Bridge

Just like Breakfast on the Bridge, only later, and fancier! amy [at] storkmarketing.com

7:30 pm Mt. Tabor Summer Solstice Social Ride

The pond @ Laurelhurst Park (SE 39th and Ankeny) Come ride to the top of Mt. Tabor to watch the sun set over the west hills and celebrate the summer solstice. A short social ride at a social pace. Bring a frisbee or other diversion to share fun. - pollock [at] thayer.dartmouth.edu


6 pm East Side Taco Ride

Meet on the Esplanade on the East end of the Steele bridge Who makes the best carnitas/pollo/fish/vege taco in town? Find out as we visit several local tacquerias around town, stopping for a taco at each. Route not yet set, probably 2-3 hours and up to 20 miles, from La Sirenita and El Taco all the way to Uruapan and San Felipe; depending on how ambitious/hungry we are. Bring cash for tacos and Jarritos (usually $1 - $1.75/taco, drinks are $1).. salzberg [at] reed.edu

6-8:30 pm NoPoBikeworks Volunteer Night 3951 N Mississippi Ave. Learn bike repair skills; earn hours for working on your own bike More info: 503-287-1098


Family-friendly 5:30 pm Bike to Rollerskate
Rose Quarter Fountain Ride the esplanade to Oaks Park for rollerskating. First people to arrive will be admitted for free. Free car parking in the Cucina Cucina parking lot. ytamer [at] aol.com

6-8:30 p.m. Women’s Bike Repair Night
North Portland Bike Works, 3951 N Mississippi Ave. Free workshop open to all women; volunteers provide bike repair help. 503-287-1098

7-9:30 pm Volunteer Night
Community Cycling Center, 1700 NE Alberta Street Learn to fix bikes by helping this non-profit repair bikes for low-income adults and kids. Non-bike repair projects too! New? Attend Volunteer Orientation 7-8 pm, ayleen [at] CommunityCyclingCenter.org

8 pm Alameda Ridge Cruise

Meet at the back lot of Community Cycling Center, 1700 NE Alberta St. Take a leisurely bicycle ride along the Alameda Ridge, during twilight, the best hour. Ride an easy five miles or so, taking in the nice neighborhoods, scenic overlooks, and hidden treasures along the way. And at the end of the ride, you have the option of taking a li’l “adventure” ride - that is, if you’re up for it! Contact urbanadventureleague [at] scribble.com for more info.


3-6 pm Zinester’s Guide to Portland Ride

the Big Elephant in the North Park Blocks (NW 9th and W Burnside) See some of the wonders of zine (zines are self-published magazines) and underground culture in Portland, with a sprinkling of other interesting Portland places to boot. Travel an easy seven miles (estimated) through town. Find out what makes Portland special for zines! The ride will hopefully merge with the Bike-Mobile Art Party Outing. editor [at] pdxguide.org

6:00-7:30 Your Rights, Bikes and the Police: Cyclists’ Rights and Responsibilities in Portland
North Portland Bike Works, 3951 N. Mississippi Do you have to carry ID when you ride? What kind of lights and reflectors are required by law? What do you say when an officer asks to search you? If you’ve ever wondered, come to this seminar and get answers to these and many other questions! Conducted by attorney Ray Thomas, author of “Pedal Power,” and members of Portland Copwatch PLEASE RSVP to reserve a space as attendance is limited to 20. For more information and to reserve your space: Portland Copwatch (503) 236-3065; N. Portland Bike Works 503-287-1098. See also the Portland Copwatch website which includes a Bike Riders’ Bill of Rights and Responsibilities guide.

Family-friendly 5:30 pm Kinetic Bike-Mobile Art Party Outing!

Liberty Hall, 311 N. Ivy Bike-Mobile Art Party Rolls! Time to spread our wings and fly over to the last Thursday Art-Extravaganza on NE Alberta Street! Meet between 5-6 p.m. to load mobiles and prepare for journey. Flight North leaves at 6:30. Bring racks and trailers for hauling fledglings. Drums, music makers and other theatrics encouraged. sarastout [at] endsound.com

6:30 pm 2004 Vancouver Bicycle Club Time Trial Series
Starts at the Port of Vancouver office, 3103 NW Lower River Road, Vancouver WA Every Thursday (May - 9 September). (6:15 PM sign-in). A flat 10-mile course (Also a flat 40K course). It is a 45 minute ride from Kenton/ North Portland through downtown Vancouver and out past the dairy farms and wildlife refuge near the Vancouver Lake. Helmets are required. Open to all! $1.00 entry fee VBC members are FREE! http://www.vancouverbicycleclub.com/note.html Mike Lusby, at 750-4875 or email at vbctt [at] netzero.net


Portland Zine Symposium starts - www.PDXZines.com

Family-friendly 7-9 am Breakfast on the Bridges
Hawthorne Bridge, West end of North side -or- Broadway Bridge, in the middle Ride the bridge, eat a nosh, have a cawfee. No big whoop timolandia [at] ShiftToBikes.org

1:30-3:30 pm From Holland with Love: Bikeway Design in Europe

1300 Franklin Street (near the court house), Clark County Service Center 6th Floor, Vancouver WA a digital presentation and design discussion for Vancouver-Portland.. Todd Boulanger, City of Vancouver todd.boulanger [at] ci.vancouver.wa.us, 360.696.8290 x8657

5:30 pm Critical Mass
North Park Blocks. Ride leaves at 6:00.

7 pm Memorial Mass Ride
SE 40th and Belmont On June 25th, 2003, three bicyclists were struck by a car at this location. Orion and Angela were killed. Caroline suffered severe injuries. This event is a celebration of their lives featuring a huge marching band. Jackie2 [at] rome.com, 503-287-1098

8 pm Pub Crawl

Start: Lucky Lab Ride from bar to bar by bike. Participants decide the next location..
9 pm Memorial Benefit Show
Sabala’s Mount Tabor, 4811 SE Hawthorne Featuring bands who were friends of the deceased: Trauma la Tron, Larry Yes, Duck Duck Gray Duck, and Six Foot Sloth.


10 am Wilds o’ North Portland Ramble

Meet at the Fresh Pot, 4001 N Mississippi (corner of Shaver) Explore some of the hidden beauties of NoPo by bike, about 25 miles of fairly flat road and some paved paths with a moderate pace, but you do need some endurance; we’ll endeavor not to leave anyone behind . Jeff.Smith@pdxtrans.org, or call 503.823.7083

10:30 am Slugs Smell Da Roses

Peninsula Rose Garden on N Albina Blvd This month’s Slug Velo ride meanders its merry way through several inner-east-side Portland neighborhoods, all the way to Ladd’s Addition Rose Garden in SE Portland. There will be a lunch/snack/coffee stop at Ladd’s – bring a sack lunch, or money for Palio Cafe! – we’ll picnic on the lawn in Center Circle and then return back to the start point. Remember your helmets, because Slug Velo loves your brains! Slug Velo rides happen monthly. Ride Host: Beth Hamon. See www.SlugVelo.com

2-7 pm Multnomah County Bike Fair

SE 20th and Belmont (1925 SE Taylor)
Join us for a day of decidedly raucous bike fun and hootenanny! Slow bike race, bike rodeo, derby, tall-bike jousting, food, vendors, performances and more. Competitions (for people of all skill levels) are open to the public, sign up at the mainstage.

2:00 Bike Ballet by the Sprockettes
2:20 Bike Ensemble
2:40 Trash Mountain Boys
3:15 Bike Ballet by the Sprockettes
3:30 Neederbellis
4:00 Hoopla! an interpretive hula hoop performance
4:15 Radical Cheerleaders
4:45 The Pheremones
5:30 Fashion Show
5:45 Bike Ballet by the Sprockettes
6:00 Nightmare Americana

Sign up at the Registration Tent to compete in any of the following:
2:30 Slow Bike Race
3:00 Track Stand
3:30 Bike the Bag
4:15 Eating by Bike (limited to 20 competitors)
5:00 Bike Tricks
5:30 The Derby
6:15 Tall Bike Jousting (bring your own bike)

Contact eliciacardenas [at] hotmail.com or see Volunteer Opportunities

3-6 pm Bike Lanes Now Sign Pick-Up

At Multnomah County Bike Fair Yard signs for distribution, seeking donations of $ 5 to $10 to cover sign printing “Bike Lanes Now: We Bike We Vote We Pay Taxes” RSVP. preview the signs at www.takebackthelane.com
4 pm Zine Symposium Ride to MCBF
Zine Symposium Info TableMeet up at the table and we’ll ride together to MCBF. Ride led by Shawn Granton

Meeting locations subject to change. Check this website for last minute updates and additions.

Want to see rides in your own calendar? Subscribe to the calendar feed in the calendar app on your phone or computer!

SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.